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    Insula at the second edition of Sardinia Boat Show 2023

    Insula at the second edition of Sardinia Boat Show 2023




    "Discovering a World Called sardinia"


    INSULA at the Sardinia Boatshow

    21st- 25th April 2023




    During the Second Edition of the Sardinia Boat Show, Insula presented the Master craftsmen and producers of Sardinia.

    This year took place in the magnificent setting of the Marina of Porto Rotondo, where a rich program of events related to the culture and folklore of the island were interspersed

    from interesting talks on the nautical topic where numerous experts of the field and institutions have participated.



    Our Master Artisans and Producers of food and wine excellence, showed to the public of the fair

    their Food & Beverage and Design creations of high quality in the Insula area, which has registered a large turnout and great acclaim among those present.









    During the days of the fair, there have been events of folklore, food and wine and design, linked to the wonderful traditions of Sardinia.

    The first day, after the usual "ribbon cutting" that marked the beginning of the fair,

    the program was full of events; of great importance was the Cooking Show with dishes inspired by the flavors of Sardinia, 

    created and presented by Chef Insula Fabrizio Crespi, and Chef Marco Mainardi,


    The food and wine offer presented by Insula has been presented at three different points:

    At the Yacht Club of Porto Rotondo it was possible to taste traditional dishes

    with a wide range of appetizers, first and second courses and desserts. For a short break, in the Exhibitors' area

    visitors could immerse themselves in the culinary experience of Sardinia street food,

    as well as the delicious food of our land was possible to make the Cocktails experience,

    Our Bartenders presented the Cocktails inspired by Sardinia with liqueurs and raw materials of the island.






    During the days of the second edition of the Sardinia Boat Show,

    many were the events related to the folklore, musical and artistic tradition of the island.

    The fashion shows "Sardinia yesterday and today", dedicated to a selection of ateliers, tailors and jewelry created by Master Craftsmen

    of our land.


    Music and sounds of tradition with the artists Mauro Mibelli and Nicole Ruzzittu,

    Maria Giovanna Cherchi, Niera, Fantafolk, Beppe Dettori with Giovannino Porcheddu and Andrea Carlo Pinna

    that followed on the stage of the event area of the Sardinia Boat Show.


    Many folk groups have animated the days of the Fair, including:

    Folk Group of Olbia, Folk Group of Oristano, Folk Group of Buddusò and Folk Group of Tempio.









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