Produced in Sardinia from hilly olive groves of Montiferru, a valuable area for olive growing, with the care that is dedicated to small quantities. A concentrate of antioxidants, polyphenols, unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins that helps health. Used in the diet of centenarian Sardinians, it contributes to longevity. Characteristic flavor with persistent notes of artichoke and fresh grass. The elegant packaging makes it suitable for any context.
The unusual combination of strawberry tree honey and wild herbs for a new and original Sardinian bitter by Silvio Carta. Intense amber color with warm veins in shades of darker brown. The scent is strong and distinctive. It opens with engaging vegetal notes, memories of officinal herbs, hypericum, santolina and thyme accompanied by notes of strawberry tree honey, scent of mugwort and Mediterranean scrub. Full and enveloping, persistent taste. In the mouth, when tasted it causes an explosion of fresh and bitter notes of the Sardinian Mediterranean scrub. It recalls aromas and scents. The wild nature is perfectly balanced by the bitter-sweet taste of strawberry tree honey, the finish is decidedly balsamic. In the mouth they persist on all hypericum and mugwort. The explosive and perfectly balanced blend that makes up Bomba Carta is given by the following botanicals found in the company’s botanical garden: santolina, hypericum, helichrysum, thyme, mugwort. With the addition of an extraordinary ingredient, strawberry tree honey. A bitter, rare and authentically Sardinian honey.
Quest’ olio è ottenuto da olive della varietà «BOSANA» in regime di agricoltura biologica, da piante secolari situate su terreni calcarei, in zona collinare particolarmente ventilata, a poca distanza dal mare.
L’esposizione ai venti marini conferisce al nostro olio sentori unici, arricchendolo di sapidità, che lo rende particolarmente indicato per condire a crudo le pietanze tipiche della cucina mediterranea, insalate, antipasti di mare, crostacei, umidi di pesce e carni pregiate.
Con la linea Madre Terra abbiamo voluto dare al nostro olio l’importanza che aggiunge valore alla bontà, rendendo la bottiglia di Madre Terra un regalo prestigioso da portare a casa di amici o da servire sulla nostra tavola.
It is a typical Sardinian bread spread all over Sardinia, in the shape of a very thin and crunchy disc, suitable to be kept for a long time. The Sardinian word derives from the verb "carasare", which means to toast. During this process the bread is put back in the oven for the final baking: this baking makes it crunchy.
Blends of natural Sardinian salt with the addition of carefully selected high quality organic herbs. Excellent for flavoring roasts, first and second courses of fish.